Sep 26Liked by Russian Record

Best wishes to the Author. I'm sure this site will gain traction on its path to enlighten others about matters relating to Russia. Westerners are indoctrinated to dislike Russia through its mischievous propaganda machine so it's great to get a more realistic view.

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It only takes listening to some of the gorgeous Russian music, to feel the melancholy in it. I have great respect for the people there, only just recently became familiar with the horror done to the Russian people under communist rule. The tube has several channels where people testify about the generosity and kindness. And when I see the films of more Eastern Russian peoples, like those close to Azerbeijan en the other -stan countries, I get an envy to join their simple lifestyle, the women with their beautiful crafts, the food that looks delicious... Thumbs up for 1000 subscribers ! And more !

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Beautifully written article! I’m an American of Mexican descent who has always been intrigued by Russian culture. Thank you for sharing this

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Thank you for this, it is only by dialogue, that we reach an understanding of each other and bridge the gap of ignorance.

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